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Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki

Angelic Reiki E-Book

Angelic Reiki E-Book is a lovely introduction to Angel Reiki.
Working hand in hand with the Angelic Realms, Ascended Master collective and Galactic Beings, Angelic Reiki provides a sound system of healing and consciousness expansion. It’s a mighty means of personal growth, transformation and readying for ascending. It’s the healing for our time.
Angelic Reiki is a mighty healing modality that works with the highest powers of the Angelic Realm to manifest healing and balance on all layers to those getting the healing power. With Angelic Reiki we have the chance for self healing and to send out healing to others, places and situations near and far away.
Angelic Reiki E-Book is a 39 page PDF full colour e-book. A great way to find out more about this wonderful healing system.
Angelic Reiki E-Book has 10 chapters and covers the following:
Chapter 1:
Angelic Reiki Basics
Angelic Reiki uses disciplines from the Usui and Shamballa lineages and blends these with mighty transmissions channeled by masters
Chapter 2:
The History Of Reiki
Chapter 3:
The History Of Angels
Angels are found inside 3 key religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Yet, angels, or divine people who help others, were likewise found inside Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian, Egyptian and Greek writings, too.
Chapter 4:
The Difference Between Reiki and Angelic Reiki
There are a lot of deviations between the Reiki systems that are taught in the world and Angelic Reiki.
Chapter 5:
How Does Angelic Reiki Energy Work
Angelic Reiki is a safe, natural, high frequency, multidimensional scheme of healing and consciousness enlargement. It’s among the most potent systems of healing available at this time, yet easy to learn and simple to use.
Chapter 6:
“Hands On Healing” In Religion
Chapter 7:
Can Anyone Learn Angelic Reiki
There are no requirements for learning Angelic Reiki; all that’s needed is a want to work with Angels for the greatest good, and a heart and mind open to accomplish that. Those who accomplish learning this system are affected by its purity and ease.
Chapter 8:
Reiki Symbols
Chapter 9:
Receiving Angelic Reiki
Chapter 10:
What The Critics And Proponents Have To Say

You will receive via e-mail this lovely 39 page PDF E-Book,  Angelic Reiki E-Book.

If you are interested in Angelic Reiki please take a look at all my Angel Reiki Attunements. You’ll find attunements at many levels: angelic senses, angelic empowerments, sapphires of angels and many more.



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